Man Ran 263KM, Proving That You Can Run A Full Marathon Indoors

With the MCO being in place for more than 3 weeks now, jogging or running has been a hot topic among Malaysians who apparently are all leading very active lifestyles.
While some continue to disobey the MCO for the sake of keeping fit with their favorite hobby, one man proves that you can actually run a marathon without even going outside!

Beginning from 6 am on April 4th, Yim Heng Fatt started running indoors, covering a 50-metre route inside his house! The running enthusiast crossed the finish line yesterday after 36 hours, clocking in 263 kilometres in total, documenting his whole journey on his Facebook page.
Yim wrote that running inside the house can be difficult at times, but that it should never stop a runner from running!
“ Well, here it is. It's never a straight line so I had to make many many turns so often. It's an obstacle for sure but runners never complain about how a route looks like right?”
“Remember, I did 263km or 5,260 loops in 36 hours here and didn't complain once!” he added.
According to Yim, each loop of 50m would take him on average about 22 seconds. Mostly, he tried to run nonstop in blocks of 10km roughly 200 loops and sometimes he would just run up and down the stairs to get some variety in his motions.
He shared a video of the 50-metre route inside his house which goes through his living room, foyer, kitchen, and dining area on the ground floor.
Lim also said that there are many advantages to running indoors, one of which is the weather!
“The good thing about running indoors is the ability to control the weather. Out comes the fans and even the aircond where it does get hot and muggy during late afternoon.”
“Plus, you can virtually run naked,” wrote Yim.
Yim even had “aid stations” a.k.a the kitchen fridge, well stocked up with food and cold drinks to help him refuel in between running.
He can even entertain himself with his favorite shows while running.
Yim recorded all his running distance via his smartwatch and even uploaded his record every few kilometers while his cats in the background watched over him. He decided to stop at the 263-kilometre mark because the number sounded like a lucky Cantonese phrase meaning “to live eternally.”
Yim’s intention is to not only encourage runners to run indoors but to also raise money for an organization called YSandals Malaysia, that will donate a face mask for every 10km logged.
Spectators on social media have praised Yim for rising to the occasion and not taking the strict instructions in place during the MCO that forbid individuals to run outside lightly.
Way to go Yim! We are cheering for you!