Grapevine has it that KS Ravi Kumar’s daughter has been kidnapped by a Coimbatore-based youth and the director is all set to lodge a police complaint. It was expected that the veteran director or some of his representatives would arrive at the Coimbatore Police Commissioner’s office to file a complaint and the media thronged the area only to return back disappointed.
Enquiries revealed that KS Ravi Kumar is in Chennai at the moment and it is just a baseless rumor that his daughter has been kidnapped. Sources say that the director is at his Chennai residence and has not gone to Coimbatore.
The director is currently busy with Rajinikanth’s ‘Rana’ and has no time to even refute such baseless rumors, say sources close to the director.
Enquiries revealed that KS Ravi Kumar is in Chennai at the moment and it is just a baseless rumor that his daughter has been kidnapped. Sources say that the director is at his Chennai residence and has not gone to Coimbatore.
The director is currently busy with Rajinikanth’s ‘Rana’ and has no time to even refute such baseless rumors, say sources close to the director.